Thursday, September 19, 2013

People's Reactions

            As soon as I let people know that I am a vegetarian, they automatically think that it is either something I have to do for religious reasons, or maybe a bet that I am trying to win, or that it’s some sort of diet I am trying out. They never think that I may be doing this simply because I want to. Well, that is actually the only reason I am a vegetarian; I just simply want to be one. I have been in situations in the past where the person I told judges me for this decision, like it’s against the law or their beliefs or something like that and I honestly do not understand why. On the other hand, I have also met some people who are really proud of me for sticking to this lifestyle for as long as I have been, and I think that that is the best kind of reaction I could ever get from a person.
I mean, I totally understand why people say they could never live without meat in their everyday lives; I was once one of those people, but it’s really not as torturous as it may seem. When I first started being a vegetarian, even I slipped a couple times and accidentally ate that home cooked meal with my family that smelled irresistible and later remembered that I was a vegetarian. But now, it’s kind of almost habitual for me to turn my nose up at the offer of meat or a food containing meat, kind of like how I would imagine a person who is allergic peanut butter is when they are offered something containing peanut butter. I guess you just get used to the idea.
There are times when I get these cravings for a certain type of meat that I haven’t had in a while, and this is the point where most people would crack and give into their cravings. But, I have a decent supply of various fake meats in my freezer, and when most people think of ‘fake meat', they think of something nasty like tofu that tastes nothing like actual meat does, and I did at first as well because I cannot stand the taste, or should I say ‘lack of taste’ and the texture of tofu. Maybe it’s because I am used to it, but I think that fake meat is a lot more delicious than real meat ever was. They also have a very large selection of fake meats, from chicken to bacon to hamburgers; you name it, and they probably will have it available.

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