Thursday, September 26, 2013

Vegetarian is not vegan

                If I had a dollar for every time I heard someone say something along the lines of “How do you not drink milk, or things with milk in them?” or “So, you can’t eat cheese or eggs?” I would have a lot of dollars, believe me. It is unreal. It is actually really baffling to me that so many people do not know the difference between a vegetarian and a vegan. I am pretty sure I have at least known what a vegetarian was since I was about ten probably, and I am also pretty sure I learned what a vegan was around the time when I was twelve, give or take a few years.
I have also come across a couple of people that had looked at me funny when I told them that I was a vegetarian, as if they had never even heard that word before in their lives or like it was from an entirely different language. Then, there are the people who have never heard of the word vegan before, let alone what it means. I honestly do not understand how a person who is my age, and especially even older than me does not know the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian, and especially never heard it enough to the point where they felt the need to ask around about it or look it up online, or even in the dictionary. Like, do you not own a dictionary at your house? I certainly hope you do, even if it is in the back of a bookshelf layered with a thick sheet of dust.
 I mean, I guess it is just a little bit annoying for me to have to explain to the majority of the people that I tell I am a vegetarian the difference between a vegan and a vegetarian, or the fact that there are two words that are apparently foreign to them that can be found easily in a dictionary, online, or from another person that are in the English language, the language that they fluently speak that they have never heard of in their lives. 

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