Friday, October 25, 2013

Gotta believe in yourself

If you aren't a vegetarian and have never even thought of being one, just try it; Imagine all of the family meals you would be left out at, while you are sitting there eating a salad and everyone else around you is enjoying normal meals together, as a normal family. It sounds pretty awful, right? What you just imagined is exactly how I imagined the life of a vegetarian would be before I became one myself, missing out on everything you once looked forward to doing with your family. Going out to eat is what the majority of what families, and even friends do when they get together to spend time with one another, so how could you ever be limited to just a salad out of hundreds of things on a menu?
                In reality, it is not even like that at all; you do not always feel left out at restaurant when you go out to eat with people. Well some vegetarians might, but I do not think of it like that because I have an entirely different attitude about it. The way I see it, all of the people around you would never even try being a vegetarian because they ‘could never do it no matter how hard they tried’, or they ‘like the taste of meat too much to kiss it goodbye.’ While you are sitting there, years strong of being a vegetarian, sitting among people that do not believe in themselves enough to even try it. I am not saying vegetarians are stronger or more self-motivated than people who are not vegetarians, but  I am just saying that in my experience, people always tell me that they ‘could never do’ what I am doing. Interpret it how you wish, but I think they either truly do not believe in themselves or just do not see the point in being a vegetarian.
                Honestly, I actually could not care less whether you are or are not a vegetarian, like it does not change how I think of you as a person. I mean, that would be really crazy if that were true because out of all the people I know, I only know like seven vegetarians so that would be a lot of people that I would not think the same about, which is definitely not true. What I am trying to get at is that if the reason you are not a vegetarian is because you don’t think you could ever do it, you are wrong. That is exactly what I thought before I tried it and I guess that was definitely not true, was it? I guess you just gotta believe in yourself.

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