Friday, October 11, 2013

I don't have cravings

For the first year or so of me being a vegetarian, I actually had a lot of cravings for meat and I almost gave in a couple times, but I stuck it out and talked myself out of it because I wanted to prove to everyone that me choosing to be a vegetarian was not a thing that would end up lasting only like a month. I knew I could do it if I tried hard enough and resisted the temptations. Sometimes, my friends or family used to hold meat up to my face, trying to make me give in (which is really mean, actually), and I would be on the brink of saying “fine, I will do it.” To this day, people still do that me sometimes. But, the difference now is that it does not even make me want to eat meat again. I do not know what it is, but for some reason, the thought of me eating meat ever again just disgusts me. I think it is because of the fact that it has been such a long time since I have had meat, so I do not even crave it anymore because I think I have forgotten what it tastes like.
Actually, I do not really think that I would say that I have entirely forgotten what meat tastes like because, I still eat meat sometimes, just not the kind of meat that most other people eat. For most people, they would probably argue that I do not know what meat tastes like anymore, but after transitioning from real meat to fake meat, there was virtually no difference in the taste to me. Like, I legit used to be the person that said fake meat would never be able to compare to real meat, but just look at me now; I am now the person trying to persuade people to not bash on vegetarians just because they think we forgot what meat tastes like, and other stupid stuff like that. 


  1. I never have cravings either! I think it is because it has been over 5 years since I have eaten real meat. I also love the fake meat because it adds variety to my meals and lets me be able to eat the same things as my family for meals. Most of my friends that have tasted the fake meat says it tastes close to what the real meat tastes like.

  2. I've thought of becoming a vegetarian before, mostly because whenever I think about what I'm eating, I start to feel sick. I was primarily concerned with the change in taste, as I really like the taste of meat. I will have to try some of this fake meat, and that could be a way I could start.
